Birthstones for March

Birthstones for March are on the list.

Birthstones for March 1st to March 9th

Born on the 1st Birthstone for March 1st
Born on the 2nd Birthstone for March 2nd
Born on the 3rd Birthstone for March 3rd
Born on the 4th Birthstone for March 4th
Born on the 5th Birthstone for March 5th
Born on the 6th Birthstone for March 6th
Born on the 7th Birthstone for March 7th
Born on the 8th Birthstone for March 8th
Born on the 9th Birthstone for March 9th

Birthstones for March 10th to March 19th

Born on the 10th Birthstone for March 10th
Born on the 11th Birthstone for March 11th
Born on the 12th Birthstone for March 12th
Born on the 13th Birthstone for March 13th
Born on the 14th Birthstone for March 14th
Born on the 15th Birthstone for March 15th
Born on the 16th Birthstone for March 16th
Born on the 17th Birthstone for March 17th
Born on the 18th Birthstone for March 18th
Born on the 19th Birthstone for March 19th

Birthstones for March 20th to March 29th

Born on the 20th Birthstone for March 20th
Born on the 21st Birthstone for March 21st
Born on the 22nd Birthstone for March 22nd
Born on the 23rd Birthstone for March 23rd
Born on the 24th Birthstone for March 24th
Born on the 25th Birthstone for March 25th
Born on the 26th Birthstone for March 26th
Born on the 27th Birthstone for March 27th
Born on the 28th Birthstone for March 28th
Born on the 29th Birthstone for March 29th

Birthstones for March 30th to March 31st

Born on the 30th Birthstone for March 30th
Born on the 31st Birthstone for March 31st

Birthstones for March

The birthstone for March is Aquamarine.
Messages from the Website Manager

The list shows the birthstones for those born in March; from March 1st to March 31st. To can see both the “Birthstones by Month” and “Birthstones by Day”, please refer to the detailed page.

Birthstones are often chosen and used as popular birthday gifts. It’ll be a very specific present to the person who recieves it. In order to fit the characteristics of the person’s birthday, which will be a surprise to him/her, it is recommended to buy for a person who is “never satisfied with ordinary gifts”. We strongly recommend you purchase a “birthstone” as a birthday present for those born in March.

Birthstones become an amulet for yourself. We’d like people born in March to try the birthstones for March. Based on the statistics of fortune-telling, the best birthstones are introduced for them here. Those birthstones become amulets to maximize your abilities. Birthstones take roles to make up for your weakness.

The most popular birthstone for those born in March is “Aquamarine”. Sometimes “Bloodstone” or “Coral” might be specified, too. When you are hovering between birthstones, Aquamarine, is recommended. This birthstone has all the elements of “recognition”, “beauty”, “popularity”, “scratch resistance”, “transparency” and “wide varieties of designs”. It is highly probable that you’ll be able to get it at a jewelry store nearby.

The March birthstone, Aquamarine, is jewel which has a long history and well-known as a very strong amulet that has been used since before 0 BC. It’s appeared in the Old Testament. It’s a popular jewel which has supported people for a long time. A lot of traditions related to this jewel are left all over the world. This birthstone has kept its appeal until the present and will have been loved by many people.

The birthstone for March, Aquamarine, varies considerably in prices. “Color” and “transparency” essentially decide its value. Pale and dull color Aquamarine is a low value. On the other hand, beautiful light blue and transparent Aquamarine is a high value. Comparatively, Aquamarine is classified as high-value jewelry among birthstones. Please choose and adjust the quality of the stone to meet to your budget.

People born in March have a “rich imagination” and “a sense of enthusiasm”. They’re influenced mainly by “Pisces” and “Aries”, and their birth month is also said to be “the number one birth month of unpredictability”, for example, ability suddenly improves from “1” to “100”. In the face of statistics, it’s regarded that those born in March have the highest possibilities to become suddenly famous. The birthstones for March support their owners in their growth and induce dormant talents or abilities to their fullest.

Hayasaka Yoshino

Author Hayasaka Yoshino

Hayasaka Yoshino is a stone healer that usually works in Tokyo area, Japan. Yoshino is also famous as a fortune teller and seen over 10,000 people. "Fortune-telling counseling", which finds out the best gemstone for the client, received a high reputation. Representative director of LWE Co., Ltd.

Birthstone Birthstone Chart for 365 Days
January January Birthstones
February February Birthstones
March March Birthstones
April April Birthstones
May May Birthstones
June June Birthstones
July July Birthstones
August August Birthstones
September September Birthstones
October October Birthstones
November November Birthstones
December December Birthstones