Birthstones for November

Birthstones for November are on the list.

Birthstones for November 1st to November 9th

Born on the 1st Birthstone for November 1st
Born on the 2nd Birthstone for November 2nd
Born on the 3rd Birthstone for November 3rd
Born on the 4th Birthstone for November 4th
Born on the 5th Birthstone for November 5th
Born on the 6th Birthstone for November 6th
Born on the 7th Birthstone for November 7th
Born on the 8th Birthstone for November 8th
Born on the 9th Birthstone for November 9th

Birthstones for November 10th to November 19th

Born on the 10th Birthstone for November 10th
Born on the 11th Birthstone for November 11th
Born on the 12th Birthstone for November 12th
Born on the 13th Birthstone for November 13th
Born on the 14th Birthstone for November 14th
Born on the 15th Birthstone for November 15th
Born on the 16th Birthstone for November 16th
Born on the 17th Birthstone for November 17th
Born on the 18th Birthstone for November 18th
Born on the 19th Birthstone for November 19th

Birthstones for November 20th to November 29th

Born on the 20th Birthstone for November 20th
Born on the 21st Birthstone for November 21st
Born on the 22nd Birthstone for November 22nd
Born on the 23rd Birthstone for November 23rd
Born on the 24th Birthstone for November 24th
Born on the 25th Birthstone for November 25th
Born on the 26th Birthstone for November 26th
Born on the 27th Birthstone for November 27th
Born on the 28th Birthstone for November 28th
Born on the 29th Birthstone for November 29th

Birthstones for November 30th

Born on the 30th Birthstone for November 30th

Birthstones for November

The birthstone for November is Topaz.
Messages from the Website Manager

Here are all the types of birthstones for those born in November. From November 1st to November 30th, you can check the birthstones. Please use this website to search for birthstones. The website can check all 365 unique days. More information is available than general websites.

The most famous birthstone for November is the 'Topaz'. Topaz are common birthstones from November 1st to 31st. Please use Topaz if you are having trouble in choosing. It is a popular classic. Due to its high profile, it will be available from most jewelry stores.

"Topaz", is famous for being the birthstone of November, it also is rich in color variations. The "Blue Topaz" will be the most accessible. In addition, "yellow", "brown", "pink", "red” and "transparent color" types exist. Whichever Topaz is used, it can be used as a November birthstone. Please select the color you need according to the owner's preference. The most valuable is a type called "Imperial Topaz". It has a color like yellow mixed with pink. If you want to have the best Topaz, the Imperial Topaz is recommended.

Topaz as the November birthstone is a popular jewel. It has many features such as "high transparency", "high hardness", "beautiful color", "long history", "mysterious tradition" and "special power". It is a jewel whose name is amongst the top 10 popular gemstones. In many cases, those born in November might be think that "you envy me because I was born in November." Please take this opportunity to try Topaz, the birthstone of November.

People born in November have excellent “concentration” and “breakthroughs”. It is the birth month affected by "Scorpio" and "Sagittarius". They have a talent to capture what they are looking for. When the switch turns on, they will change to a different person. Excellent “scholars”, “doctors”, “detectives”, “Shogi players”, “hunters” etc. are commonly born in this month. Leveraging these potential talents, you will have great success. The November birthstone will be a talisman to support the owner's success. It will powerfully bring out your strengths.

People born in November cherish their memories. A birthstone will be a birthday gift that is easy to remember. You can give a dedicated amulet suitable for their birthdays. It is easy to be pleased if you tell the meanings and traditions about the birthstones. You can also check those on this website; please check them by all means.

Hayasaka Yoshino

Author Hayasaka Yoshino

Hayasaka Yoshino is a stone healer that usually works in Tokyo area, Japan. Yoshino is also famous as a fortune teller and seen over 10,000 people. "Fortune-telling counseling", which finds out the best gemstone for the client, received a high reputation. Representative director of LWE Co., Ltd.

Birthstone Birthstone Chart for 365 Days
January January Birthstones
February February Birthstones
March March Birthstones
April April Birthstones
May May Birthstones
June June Birthstones
July July Birthstones
August August Birthstones
September September Birthstones
October October Birthstones
November November Birthstones
December December Birthstones