Birthstone Chart for 365 Days

This is a chart to find your birthstone. You can search for your birthstone across 365 days.

Birthstone Chart for Those Born from January to April

January January Birthstones
(Jan. 1st - 31st)
February February Birthstones
(Feb. 1st - 29th )
March March Birthstones
(March 1st - 31st )
April April Birthstones
(April 1st - 30th )

Birthstone Chart for Those Born from May to August

May May Birthstones
(May 1st - 31st )
June June Birthstones
(June 1st - 30th )
July July Birthstones
(July 1st - 31st )
August August Birthstones
(August 1st - 31st )

Birthstone Chart for Those Born from September to December

September September Birthstones
(Sept. 1st - 30th )
October October Birthstones
(Oct. 1st - 31st )
November November Birthstones
(Nov. 1st - 30th )
December December Birthstones
(Dec. 1st - 31st )
Messages from the Website Manager

This is a birthstone chart for everyday of the year. The list shows which guardian stones will be a good match with the person who will own that stone. This list includes a leap-year. Please enjoy finding guardian stones for yourself. This is the best website to search for amulets.

Usually birthstones are seperated into 12 months from January to December. For example, the birthstone for those born in January is the “garnet” and for those born in February it is “amethyst”. When you search the standard birthstones, please refer to the birthstone for each month. By clicking your birthday on this website, the birthstones for your birth month and for your birthday are shown. Please choose the one that feels “good or better” based on your instinct. It’s important to trust your feelings.

It’s very rare to show the birthstones for 365 days in one list. You can easily search the birthstone for the birthday. It’s hard to find the best guardian stones for you amongst the thousands of kinds of stones in the world. You can find your best guardian stone by choosing your birthday from this birthday chart. Each birthstone page has free fortune-telling. Not only will you find the best guardian stone, but  you will also know the characteristics for the person on the birthday. You can see why this birthstone is chosen by seeing explanations of the birthday. For the birthstone, the item chosen to lead the maximum power of your birthday from you is chosen.

It’s recommended to check your birthstone or the one for the person you care for. The birthday never changes, which means your potential talents or abilities won’t change, either. The potential talents or abilities are well used or remain dormant from person to person. When your life is fulfilled, it means you’ve dealt with your innate characteristics well. On the other hand, when you feel “easily tired” or “always running around”, your aptitudes are likely not to be induced.

The birthstone for 365 days leads to potential dormant power in the stone owner. Please have a look at the chart for you. You can find the guardian stones to support your life. Searching the birthday chart will give you the chance to understand the true you correctly. We don’t know ourselves so much. Knowing your true aptitudes or talents will enrich your life. Searching and knowing the birthday and birthstone for the person you care for will be good to support him/her. It’s a “birthday” opportunity to give you a chance to know your good innate aptitudes and get an amulet to utilize them well. The information provided here is listed in “the birthstone chart”. Please try it once.

Hayasaka Yoshino

Author Hayasaka Yoshino

Hayasaka Yoshino is a stone healer that usually works in Tokyo area, Japan. Yoshino is also famous as a fortune teller and seen over 10,000 people. "Fortune-telling counseling", which finds out the best gemstone for the client, received a high reputation. Representative director of LWE Co., Ltd.

Birthstone Birthstone Chart for 365 Days
January January Birthstones
February February Birthstones
March March Birthstones
April April Birthstones
May May Birthstones
June June Birthstones
July July Birthstones
August August Birthstones
September September Birthstones
October October Birthstones
November November Birthstones
December December Birthstones